March 11, 2011

Around the World in 80 by Jules Verne (page 8)

Around the World in 80 Days

chance should direct the steps of the unfortunate servant,

whom he had so badly treated, in this direction; in which

case an explanation the reverse of satisfactory to the

detective must have ensued. But the Frenchman did not

appear, and, without doubt, was still lying under the

stupefying influence of the opium.

John Bunsby, master, at length gave the order to start,

and the Tankadere, taking the wind under her brigantine,

foresail, and standing-jib, bounded briskly forward over

the waves.

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Around the World in 80 Days

Chapter XXI






This voyage of eight hundred miles was a perilous

venture on a craft of twenty tons, and at that season of the

year. The Chinese seas are usually boisterous, subject to

terrible gales of wind, and especially during the equinoxes;

and it was now early November.

It would clearly have been to the master's advantage to

carry his passengers to Yokohama, since he was paid a

certain sum per day; but he would have been rash to

attempt such a voyage, and it was imprudent even to

attempt to reach Shanghai. But John Bunsby believed in

the Tankadere, which rode on the waves like a seagull;

and perhaps he was not wrong.

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Around the World in 80 Days

Late in the day they passed through the capricious

channels of Hong Kong, and the Tankadere, impelled by

favourable winds, conducted herself admirably.

'I do not need, pilot,' said Phileas Fogg, when they got

into the open sea, 'to advise you to use all possible speed.'

'Trust me, your honour. We are carrying all the sail the

wind will let us. The poles would add nothing, and are

only used when we are going into port.'

'Its your trade, not mine, pilot, and I confide in you.'

Phileas Fogg, with body erect and legs wide apart,

standing like a sailor, gazed without staggering at the

swelling waters. The young woman, who was seated aft,

was profoundly affected as she looked out upon the ocean,

darkening now with the twilight, on which she had

ventured in so frail a vessel. Above her head rustled the

white sails, which seemed like great white wings. The

boat, carried forward by the wind, seemed to be flying in

the air.

Night came. The moon was entering her first quarter,

and her insufficient light would soon die out in the mist

on the horizon. Clouds were rising from the east, and

already overcast a part of the heavens.

The pilot had hung out his lights, which was very

necessary in these seas crowded with vessels bound

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landward; for collisions are not uncommon occurrences,

and, at the speed she was going, the least shock would

shatter the gallant little craft.

Fix, seated in the bow, gave himself up to meditation.

He kept apart from his fellow-travellers, knowing Mr.

Fogg's taciturn tastes; besides, he did not quite like to talk

to the man whose favours he had accepted. He was

thinking, too, of the future. It seemed certain that Fogg

would not stop at Yokohama, but would at once take the

boat for San Francisco; and the vast extent of America

would ensure him impunity and safety. Fogg's plan

appeared to him the simplest in the world. Instead of

sailing directly from England to the United States, like a

common villain, he had traversed three quarters of the

globe, so as to gain the American continent more surely;

and there, after throwing the police off his track, he would

quietly enjoy himself with the fortune stolen from the

bank. But, once in the United States, what should he, Fix,

do? Should he abandon this man? No, a hundred times

no! Until he had secured his extradition, he would not

lose sight of him for an hour. It was his duty, and he

would fulfil it to the end. At all events, there was one

thing to be thankful for; Passepartout was not with his

master; and it was above all important, after the

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confidences Fix had imparted to him, that the servant

should never have speech with his master.

Phileas Fogg was also thinking of Passepartout, who

had so strangely disappeared. Looking at the matter from

every point of view, it did not seem to him impossible

that, by some mistake, the man might have embarked on

the Carnatic at the last moment; and this was also Aouda's

opinion, who regretted very much the loss of the worthy

fellow to whom she owed so much. They might then find

him at Yokohama; for, if the Carnatic was carrying him

thither, it would be easy to ascertain if he had been on


A brisk breeze arose about ten o'clock; but, though it

might have been prudent to take in a reef, the pilot, after

carefully examining the heavens, let the craft remain

rigged as before. The Tankadere bore sail admirably, as she

drew a great deal of water, and everything was prepared

for high speed in case of a gale.

Mr. Fogg and Aouda descended into the cabin at

midnight, having been already preceded by Fix, who had

lain down on one of the cots. The pilot and crew

remained on deck all night.

At sunrise the next day, which was 8th November, the

boat had made more than one hundred miles. The log

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indicated a mean speed of between eight and nine miles.

The Tankadere still carried all sail, and was accomplishing

her greatest capacity of speed. If the wind held as it was,

the chances would be in her favour. During the day she

kept along the coast, where the currents were favourable;

the coast, irregular in profile, and visible sometimes across

the clearings, was at most five miles distant. The sea was

less boisterous, since the wind came off land—a fortunate

circumstance for the boat, which would suffer, owing to

its small tonnage, by a heavy surge on the sea.

The breeze subsided a little towards noon, and set in

from the south-west. The pilot put up his poles, but took

them down again within two hours, as the wind freshened

up anew.

Mr. Fogg and Aouda, happily unaffected by the

roughness of the sea, ate with a good appetite, Fix being

invited to share their repast, which he accepted with secret

chagrin. To travel at this man's expense and live upon his

provisions was not palatable to him. Still, he was obliged

to eat, and so he ate.

When the meal was over, he took Mr. Fogg apart, and

said, 'sir'—this 'sir' scorched his lips, and he had to control

himself to avoid collaring this 'gentleman'—'sir, you have

been very kind to give me a passage on this boat. But,

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though my means will not admit of my expending them as

freely as you, I must ask to pay my share—'

'Let us not speak of that, sir,' replied Mr. Fogg.

'But, if I insist—'

'No, sir,' repeated Mr. Fogg, in a tone which did not

admit of a reply. 'This enters into my general expenses.'

Fix, as he bowed, had a stifled feeling, and, going

forward, where he ensconced himself, did not open his

mouth for the rest of the day.

Meanwhile they were progressing famously, and John

Bunsby was in high hope. He several times assured Mr.

Fogg that they would reach Shanghai in time; to which

that gentleman responded that he counted upon it. The

crew set to work in good earnest, inspired by the reward

to be gained. There was not a sheet which was not

tightened not a sail which was not vigorously hoisted; not

a lurch could be charged to the man at the helm. They

worked as desperately as if they were contesting in a

Royal yacht regatta.

By evening, the log showed that two hundred and

twenty miles had been accomplished from Hong Kong,

and Mr. Fogg might hope that he would be able to reach

Yokohama without recording any delay in his journal; in

which case, the many misadventures which had overtaken

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him since he left London would not seriously affect his


The Tankadere entered the Straits of Fo-Kien, which

separate the island of Formosa from the Chinese coast, in

the small hours of the night, and crossed the Tropic of

Cancer. The sea was very rough in the straits, full of

eddies formed by the counter-currents, and the chopping

waves broke her course, whilst it became very difficult to

stand on deck.

At daybreak the wind began to blow hard again, and

the heavens seemed to predict a gale. The barometer

announced a speedy change, the mercury rising and falling

capriciously; the sea also, in the south-east, raised long

surges which indicated a tempest. The sun had set the

evening before in a red mist, in the midst of the

phosphorescent scintillations of the ocean.

John Bunsby long examined the threatening aspect of

the heavens, muttering indistinctly between his teeth. At

last he said in a low voice to Mr. Fogg, 'Shall I speak out

to your honour?'

'Of course.'

'Well, we are going to have a squall.'

'Is the wind north or south?' asked Mr. Fogg quietly.

'South. Look! a typhoon is coming up.'

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'Glad it's a typhoon from the south, for it will carry us


'Oh, if you take it that way,' said John Bunsby, 'I've

nothing more to say.' John Bunsby's suspicions were

confirmed. At a less advanced season of the year the

typhoon, according to a famous meteorologist, would

have passed away like a luminous cascade of electric flame;

but in the winter equinox it was to be feared that it would

burst upon them with great violence.

The pilot took his precautions in advance. He reefed all

sail, the pole-masts were dispensed with; all hands went

forward to the bows. A single triangular sail, of strong

canvas, was hoisted as a storm-jib, so as to hold the wind

from behind. Then they waited.

John Bunsby had requested his passengers to go below;

but this imprisonment in so narrow a space, with little air,

and the boat bouncing in the gale, was far from pleasant.

Neither Mr. Fogg, Fix, nor Aouda consented to leave the


The storm of rain and wind descended upon them

towards eight o'clock. With but its bit of sail, the

Tankadere was lifted like a feather by a wind, an idea of

whose violence can scarcely be given. To compare her

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speed to four times that of a locomotive going on full

steam would be below the truth.

The boat scudded thus northward during the whole

day, borne on by monstrous waves, preserving always,

fortunately, a speed equal to theirs. Twenty times she

seemed almost to be submerged by these mountains of

water which rose behind her; but the adroit management

of the pilot saved her. The passengers were often bathed in

spray, but they submitted to it philosophically. Fix cursed

it, no doubt; but Aouda, with her eyes fastened upon her

protector, whose coolness amazed her, showed herself

worthy of him, and bravely weathered the storm. As for

Phileas Fogg, it seemed just as if the typhoon were a part

of his programme.

Up to this time the Tankadere had always held her

course to the north; but towards evening the wind,

veering three quarters, bore down from the north-west.

The boat, now lying in the trough of the waves, shook

and rolled terribly; the sea struck her with fearful violence.

At night the tempest increased in violence. John Bunsby

saw the approach of darkness and the rising of the storm

with dark misgivings. He thought awhile, and then asked

his crew if it was not time to slacken speed. After a

consultation he approached Mr. Fogg, and said, 'I think,

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Around the World in 80 Days

your honour, that we should do well to make for one of

the ports on the coast.'

'I think so too.'

'Ah!' said the pilot. 'But which one?'

'I know of but one,' returned Mr. Fogg tranquilly.

'And that is—'


The pilot, at first, did not seem to comprehend; he

could scarcely realise so much determination and tenacity.

Then he cried, 'Well—yes! Your honour is right. To


So the Tankadere kept steadily on her northward track.

The night was really terrible; it would be a miracle if

the craft did not founder. Twice it could have been all

over with her if the crew had not been constantly on the

watch. Aouda was exhausted, but did not utter a

complaint. More than once Mr. Fogg rushed to protect

her from the violence of the waves.

Day reappeared. The tempest still raged with

undiminished fury; but the wind now returned to the

south-east. It was a favourable change, and the Tankadere

again bounded forward on this mountainous sea, though

the waves crossed each other, and imparted shocks and

counter-shocks which would have crushed a craft less

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solidly built. From time to time the coast was visible

through the broken mist, but no vessel was in sight. The

Tankadere was alone upon the sea.

There were some signs of a calm at noon, and these

became more distinct as the sun descended toward the

horizon. The tempest had been as brief as terrific. The

passengers, thoroughly exhausted, could now eat a little,

and take some repose.

The night was comparatively quiet. Some of the sails

were again hoisted, and the speed of the boat was very

good. The next morning at dawn they espied the coast,

and John Bunsby was able to assert that they were not one

hundred miles from Shanghai. A hundred miles, and only

one day to traverse them! That very evening Mr. Fogg

was due at Shanghai, if he did not wish to miss the steamer

to Yokohama. Had there been no storm, during which

several hours were lost, they would be at this moment

within thirty miles of their destination.

The wind grew decidedly calmer, and happily the sea

fell with it. All sails were now hoisted, and at noon the

Tankadere was within forty-five miles of Shanghai. There

remained yet six hours in which to accomplish that

distance. All on board feared that it could not be done,

and every one—Phileas Fogg, no doubt, excepted—felt

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his heart beat with impatience. The boat must keep up an

average of nine miles an hour, and the wind was

becoming calmer every moment! It was a capricious

breeze, coming from the coast, and after it passed the sea

became smooth. Still, the Tankadere was so light, and her

fine sails caught the fickle zephyrs so well, that, with the

aid of the currents John Bunsby found himself at six

o'clock not more than ten miles from the mouth of

Shanghai River. Shanghai itself is situated at least twelve

miles up the stream. At seven they were still three miles

from Shanghai. The pilot swore an angry oath; the reward

of two hundred pounds was evidently on the point of

escaping him. He looked at Mr. Fogg. Mr. Fogg was

perfectly tranquil; and yet his whole fortune was at this

moment at stake.

At this moment, also, a long black funnel, crowned

with wreaths of smoke, appeared on the edge of the

waters. It was the American steamer, leaving for

Yokohama at the appointed time.

'Confound her!' cried John Bunsby, pushing back the

rudder with a desperate jerk.

'Signal her!' said Phileas Fogg quietly.

A small brass cannon stood on the forward deck of the

Tankadere, for making signals in the fogs. It was loaded to

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the muzzle; but just as the pilot was about to apply a red-

hot coal to the touchhole, Mr. Fogg said, 'Hoist your


The flag was run up at half-mast, and, this being the

signal of distress, it was hoped that the American steamer,

perceiving it, would change her course a little, so as to

succour the pilot-boat.

'Fire!' said Mr. Fogg. And the booming of the little

cannon resounded in the air.

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Around the World in 80 Days

Chapter XXII







The Carnatic, setting sail from Hong Kong at half-past

six on the 7th of November, directed her course at full

steam towards Japan. She carried a large cargo and a well-

filled cabin of passengers. Two state-rooms in the rear

were, however, unoccupied—those which had been

engaged by Phileas Fogg.

The next day a passenger with a half-stupefied eye,

staggering gait, and disordered hair, was seen to emerge

from the second cabin, and to totter to a seat on deck.

It was Passepartout; and what had happened to him was

as follows: Shortly after Fix left the opium den, two

waiters had lifted the unconscious Passepartout, and had

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Around the World in 80 Days

carried him to the bed reserved for the smokers. Three

hours later, pursued even in his dreams by a fixed idea, the

poor fellow awoke, and struggled against the stupefying

influence of the narcotic. The thought of a duty unfulfilled

shook off his torpor, and he hurried from the abode of

drunkenness. Staggering and holding himself up by

keeping against the walls, falling down and creeping up

again, and irresistibly impelled by a kind of instinct, he

kept crying out, 'The Carnatic! the Carnatic!'

The steamer lay puffing alongside the quay, on the

point of starting. Passepartout had but few steps to go; and,

rushing upon the plank, he crossed it, and fell unconscious

on the deck, just as the Carnatic was moving off. Several

sailors, who were evidently accustomed to this sort of

scene, carried the poor Frenchman down into the second

cabin, and Passepartout did not wake until they were one

hundred and fifty miles away from China. Thus he found

himself the next morning on the deck of the Carnatic, and

eagerly inhaling the exhilarating sea-breeze. The pure air

sobered him. He began to collect his sense, which he

found a difficult task; but at last he recalled the events of

the evening before, Fix's revelation, and the opium-house.

'It is evident,' said he to himself, 'that I have been

abominably drunk! What will Mr. Fogg say? At least I

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Around the World in 80 Days

have not missed the steamer, which is the most important


Then, as Fix occurred to him: 'As for that rascal, I hope

we are well rid of him, and that he has not dared, as he

proposed, to follow us on board the Carnatic. A detective

on the track of Mr. Fogg, accused of robbing the Bank of

England! Pshaw! Mr. Fogg is no more a robber than I am

a murderer.'

Should he divulge Fix's real errand to his master?

Would it do to tell the part the detective was playing.

Would it not be better to wait until Mr. Fogg reached

London again, and then impart to him that an agent of the

metropolitan police had been following him round the

world, and have a good laugh over it? No doubt; at least,

it was worth considering. The first thing to do was to find

Mr. Fogg, and apologise for his singular behaviour.

Passepartout got up and proceeded, as well as he could

with the rolling of the steamer, to the after-deck. He saw

no one who resembled either his master or Aouda.

'Good!' muttered he; 'Aouda has not got up yet, and Mr.

Fogg has probably found some partners at whist.'

He descended to the saloon. Mr. Fogg was not there.

Passepartout had only, however, to ask the purser the

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Around the World in 80 Days

number of his master's state-room. The purser replied that

he did not know any passenger by the name of Fogg.

'I beg your pardon,' said Passepartout persistently. 'He

is a tall gentleman, quiet, and not very talkative, and has

with him a young lady—'

'There is no young lady on board,' interrupted the

purser. 'Here is a list of the passengers; you may see for


Passepartout scanned the list, but his master's name was

not upon it. All at once an idea struck him.

'Ah! am I on the Carnatic?'


'On the way to Yokohama?'


Passepartout had for an instant feared that he was on

the wrong boat; but, though he was really on the

Carnatic, his master was not there.

He fell thunderstruck on a seat. He saw it all now. He

remembered that the time of sailing had been changed,

that he should have informed his master of that fact, and

that he had not done so. It was his fault, then, that Mr.

Fogg and Aouda had missed the steamer. Yes, but it was

still more the fault of the traitor who, in order to separate

him from his master, and detain the latter at Hong Kong,

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had inveigled him into getting drunk! He now saw the

detective's trick; and at this moment Mr. Fogg was

certainly ruined, his bet was lost, and he himself perhaps

arrested and imprisoned! At this thought Passepartout tore

his hair. Ah, if Fix ever came within his reach, what a

settling of accounts there would be!

After his first depression, Passepartout became calmer,

and began to study his situation. It was certainly not an

enviable one. He found himself on the way to Japan, and

what should he do when he got there? His pocket was

empty; he had not a solitary shilling, not so much as a

penny. His passage had fortunately been paid for in

advance; and he had five or six days in which to decide

upon his future course. He fell to at meals with an

appetite, and ate for Mr. Fogg, Aouda, and himself. He

helped himself as generously as if Japan were a desert,

where nothing to eat was to be looked for.

At dawn on the 13th the Carnatic entered the port of

Yokohama. This is an important port of call in the Pacific,

where all the mail-steamers, and those carrying travellers

between North America, China, Japan, and the Oriental

islands put in. It is situated in the bay of Yeddo, and at but

a short distance from that second capital of the Japanese

Empire, and the residence of the Tycoon, the civil

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Around the World in 80 Days

Emperor, before the Mikado, the spiritual Emperor,

absorbed his office in his own. The Carnatic anchored at

the quay near the custom-house, in the midst of a crowd

of ships bearing the flags of all nations.

Passepartout went timidly ashore on this so curious

territory of the Sons of the Sun. He had nothing better to

do than, taking chance for his guide, to wander aimlessly

through the streets of Yokohama. He found himself at first

in a thoroughly European quarter, the houses having low

fronts, and being adorned with verandas, beneath which

he caught glimpses of neat peristyles. This quarter

occupied, with its streets, squares, docks, and warehouses,

all the space between the 'promontory of the Treaty' and

the river. Here, as at Hong Kong and Calcutta, were

mixed crowds of all races, Americans and English,

Chinamen and Dutchmen, mostly merchants ready to buy

or sell anything. The Frenchman felt himself as much

alone among them as if he had dropped down in the midst

of Hottentots.

He had, at least, one resource to call on the French and

English consuls at Yokohama for assistance. But he shrank

from telling the story of his adventures, intimately

connected as it was with that of his master; and, before

doing so, he determined to exhaust all other means of aid.

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As chance did not favour him in the European quarter, he

penetrated that inhabited by the native Japanese,

determined, if necessary, to push on to Yeddo.

The Japanese quarter of Yokohama is called Benten,

after the goddess of the sea, who is worshipped on the

islands round about. There Passepartout beheld beautiful

fir and cedar groves, sacred gates of a singular architecture,

bridges half hid in the midst of bamboos and reeds,

temples shaded by immense cedar-trees, holy retreats

where were sheltered Buddhist priests and sectaries of

Confucius, and interminable streets, where a perfect

harvest of rose-tinted and red-cheeked children, who

looked as if they had been cut out of Japanese screens, and

who were playing in the midst of short-legged poodles

and yellowish cats, might have been gathered.

The streets were crowded with people. Priests were

passing in processions, beating their dreary tambourines;

police and custom-house officers with pointed hats

encrusted with lac and carrying two sabres hung to their

waists; soldiers, clad in blue cotton with white stripes, and

bearing guns; the Mikado's guards, enveloped in silken

doubles, hauberks and coats of mail; and numbers of

military folk of all ranks—for the military profession is as

much respected in Japan as it is despised in China—went

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hither and thither in groups and pairs. Passepartout saw,

too, begging friars, long-robed pilgrims, and simple

civilians, with their warped and jet-black hair, big heads,

long busts, slender legs, short stature, and complexions

varying from copper-colour to a dead white, but never

yellow, like the Chinese, from whom the Japanese widely

differ. He did not fail to observe the curious equipages—

carriages and palanquins, barrows supplied with sails, and

litters made of bamboo; nor the women— whom he

thought not especially handsome—who took little steps

with their little feet, whereon they wore canvas shoes,

straw sandals, and clogs of worked wood, and who

displayed tight-looking eyes, flat chests, teeth fashionably

blackened, and gowns crossed with silken scarfs, tied in an

enormous knot behind an ornament which the modern

Parisian ladies seem to have borrowed from the dames of


Passepartout wandered for several hours in the midst of

this motley crowd, looking in at the windows of the rich

and curious shops, the jewellery establishments glittering

with quaint Japanese ornaments, the restaurants decked

with streamers and banners, the tea-houses, where the

odorous beverage was being drunk with saki, a liquor

concocted from the fermentation of rice, and the

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Around the World in 80 Days

comfortable smoking-houses, where they were puffing,

not opium, which is almost unknown in Japan, but a very

fine, stringy tobacco. He went on till he found himself in

the fields, in the midst of vast rice plantations. There he

saw dazzling camellias expanding themselves, with flowers

which were giving forth their last colours and perfumes,

not on bushes, but on trees, and within bamboo

enclosures, cherry, plum, and apple trees, which the

Japanese cultivate rather for their blossoms than their fruit,

and which queerly-fashioned, grinning scarecrows

protected from the sparrows, pigeons, ravens, and other

voracious birds. On the branches of the cedars were

perched large eagles; amid the foliage of the weeping

willows were herons, solemnly standing on one leg; and

on every hand were crows, ducks, hawks, wild birds, and a

multitude of cranes, which the Japanese consider sacred,

and which to their minds symbolise long life and


As he was strolling along, Passepartout espied some

violets among the shrubs.

'Good!' said he; 'I'll have some supper.'

But, on smelling them, he found that they were


'No chance there,' thought he.

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The worthy fellow had certainly taken good care to eat

as hearty a breakfast as possible before leaving the

Carnatic; but, as he had been walking about all day, the

demands of hunger were becoming importunate. He

observed that the butchers stalls contained neither mutton,

goat, nor pork; and, knowing also that it is a sacrilege to

kill cattle, which are preserved solely for farming, he made

up his mind that meat was far from plentiful in

Yokohama— nor was he mistaken; and, in default of

butcher's meat, he could have wished for a quarter of wild

boar or deer, a partridge, or some quails, some game or

fish, which, with rice, the Japanese eat almost exclusively.

But he found it necessary to keep up a stout heart, and to

postpone the meal he craved till the following morning.

Night came, and Passepartout re-entered the native

quarter, where he wandered through the streets, lit by

vari-coloured lanterns, looking on at the dancers, who

were executing skilful steps and boundings, and the

astrologers who stood in the open air with their telescopes.

Then he came to the harbour, which was lit up by the

resin torches of the fishermen, who were fishing from

their boats.

The streets at last became quiet, and the patrol, the

officers of which, in their splendid costumes, and

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surrounded by their suites, Passepartout thought seemed

like ambassadors, succeeded the bustling crowd. Each time

a company passed, Passepartout chuckled, and said to

himself: 'Good! another Japanese embassy departing for


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Chapter XXIII





The next morning poor, jaded, famished Passepartout

said to himself that he must get something to eat at all

hazards, and the sooner he did so the better. He might,

indeed, sell his watch; but he would have starved first.

Now or never he must use the strong, if not melodious

voice which nature had bestowed upon him. He knew

several French and English songs, and resolved to try them

upon the Japanese, who must be lovers of music, since

they were for ever pounding on their cymbals, tam-tams,

and tambourines, and could not but appreciate European


It was, perhaps, rather early in the morning to get up a

concert, and the audience prematurely aroused from their

slumbers, might not possibly pay their entertainer with

coin bearing the Mikado's features. Passepartout therefore

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decided to wait several hours; and, as he was sauntering

along, it occurred to him that he would seem rather too

well dressed for a wandering artist. The idea struck him to

change his garments for clothes more in harmony with his

project; by which he might also get a little money to

satisfy the immediate cravings of hunger. The resolution

taken, it remained to carry it out.

It was only after a long search that Passepartout

discovered a native dealer in old clothes, to whom he

applied for an exchange. The man liked the European

costume, and ere long Passepartout issued from his shop

accoutred in an old Japanese coat, and a sort of one-sided

turban, faded with long use. A few small pieces of silver,

moreover, jingled in his pocket.

Good!' thought he. 'I will imagine I am at the


His first care, after being thus 'Japanesed,' was to enter

a tea-house of modest appearance, and, upon half a bird

and a little rice, to breakfast like a man for whom dinner

was as yet a problem to be solved.

'Now,' thought he, when he had eaten heartily, 'I

mustn't lose my head. I can't sell this costume again for

one still more Japanese. I must consider how to leave this

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Around the World in 80 Days

country of the Sun, of which I shall not retain the most

delightful of memories, as quickly as possible.'

It occurred to him to visit the steamers which were

about to leave for America. He would offer himself as a

cook or servant, in payment of his passage and meals.

Once at San Francisco, he would find some means of

going on. The difficulty was, how to traverse the four

thousand seven hundred miles of the Pacific which lay

between Japan and the New World.

Passepartout was not the man to let an idea go begging,

and directed his steps towards the docks. But, as he

approached them, his project, which at first had seemed so

simple, began to grow more and more formidable to his

mind. What need would they have of a cook or servant on

an American steamer, and what confidence would they

put in him, dressed as he was? What references could he


As he was reflecting in this wise, his eyes fell upon an

immense placard which a sort of clown was carrying

through the streets. This placard, which was in English,

read as follows:



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Around the World in 80 Days










'The United States!' said Passepartout; 'that's just what I


He followed the clown, and soon found himself once

more in the Japanese quarter. A quarter of an hour later he

stopped before a large cabin, adorned with several clusters

of streamers, the exterior walls of which were designed to

represent, in violent colours and without perspective, a

company of jugglers.

This was the Honourable William Batulcar's

establishment. That gentleman was a sort of Barnum, the

director of a troupe of mountebanks, jugglers, clowns,

acrobats, equilibrists, and gymnasts, who, according to the

placard, was giving his last performances before leaving the

Empire of the Sun for the States of the Union.

Passepartout entered and asked for Mr. Batulcar, who

straightway appeared in person.

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Around the World in 80 Days

'What do you want?' said he to Passepartout, whom he

at first took for a native.

'Would you like a servant, sir?' asked Passepartout.

'A servant!' cried Mr. Batulcar, caressing the thick grey

beard which hung from his chin. 'I already have two who

are obedient and faithful, have never left me, and serve me

for their nourishment and here they are,' added he,

holding out his two robust arms, furrowed with veins as

large as the strings of a bass-viol.

'So I can be of no use to you?'


'The devil! I should so like to cross the Pacific with


'Ah!' said the Honourable Mr. Batulcar. 'You are no

more a Japanese than I am a monkey! Who are you

dressed up in that way?'

'A man dresses as he can.'

'That's true. You are a Frenchman, aren't you?'

'Yes; a Parisian of Paris.'

'Then you ought to know how to make grimaces?'

'Why,' replied Passepartout, a little vexed that his

nationality should cause this question, 'we Frenchmen

know how to make grimaces, it is true but not any better

than the Americans do.'

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Adventures of Huckleberry Finn