November 7, 2009

GTalk Tips and Tricks / Shortcuts

Here are some Keyboard Shorcuts :

CTRL + Mousewheel up/down: Change the font size in a conversation window.

CTRL + E: Center text

CTRL + R: Right justify text

CTRL + L or CTRL+J: Left justify text

F9: Open Gmail to send an email to the person you talk to

F11: Start a call

F12: Stop the current call

ESC: Close the current window

Tab – Switches to next opened gtalk window. (same effect with

Ctrl+tab and Shift+tab)

Shift + Tab – The same thing does that Tab but in reverse.

Ctrl + Shift + L – Switch between points, numbers, letters,

capital letters, roman numbers and capital roman numbers.......

Bold Text : Use asterix before and after the text to make it bold.

Like *hello* will make it hello.

Italic Text : Use underscores before and after the text to make it

italic. Like _hello_ will make it hello.

Want to leave blank message : Just Press Shift + Enter together and

meassage box will become big then leave shift and Just press Enter and

the blank message will be received by your friend.


Amrit Heda

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